Medical Treatment

Medical Treatment

New Drug (Nephoxil) focuing upon Hyperphosphatemia in Dialysis and Anemia in Chronical Kidney Disease.

Product NameRegionsIndicationsProgress
NephoxilTaiwan1. HyperphosphatemiaNDA Obtained
2. AnemiaPIII Last Patient Out (H2 2022)
AuryxiaUSA1. HyperphosphatemiaNDA Obtained
2. AnemiasNDA Obtained
RionaJapan1. HyperphosphatemiaNDA Obtained
2. AnemiasNDA Obtained
NephoxilKoreaHyperphosphatemiaNDA Obtained
(National Health Insurance Discussion)
NephoxilChinaHyperphosphatemiaNDA Submission (H2 2022)
FexericEUHyperphosphatemiaPending Akebia Authorization
NephoxilThailandHyperphosphatemiaNDA Submission (Soon)
NephoxilSoutheast AsiaHyperphosphatemiaAuthorization Negotiating (Ongoing)

※ The above dates are subjected to changes, please refresh our website for continuous update.